Digitalization and automation

Automation and digitalization open the door to a world where productivity increases, costs decrease, and innovations develop faster than ever before.

Imagine a company where everyday tasks run smoothly, employees can focus on strategic projects, and customers are always satisfied. With automation and digitalization, this dream becomes a reality. Automation eliminates time-consuming manual processes, increasing productivity and reducing costs.

Digitalization provides quick access to accurate data, enabling informed decisions and real-time adaptation to market needs. Furthermore, a better understanding of your customers means you can offer personalized services that enhance their satisfaction and loyalty.

Invest in the future of your company—choose automation and digitalization to gain a competitive edge and open the door to innovation. Don’t wait; start transforming your business today!

Digitalization and automation of processes within reach

It’s fast, secure, and will save you a lot of money, nerves, and mistakes. Leave the implementation to the experts.

Digitize and automate today

Process digitalization

Process digitalization

Process digitalization means transitioning from traditional manual and paper-based systems to modern, software-driven processes. This process involves using technology to automate tasks, improve data management, and increase operational efficiency. Digitalization allows companies to process information more quickly, improves data accuracy, reduces costs, and enhances overall productivity.
Process automation

Process automation

Process automation involves using technological tools to perform routine and repetitive tasks without the need for human intervention. This approach increases the efficiency, accuracy, and speed of work processes while reducing costs and freeing up employees to focus on strategic and creative tasks. Automation typically involves implementing software systems, seamless integration between departments, and improving the overall productivity of the company.
CRM system implementation

CRM system implementation

Implementing a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system involves deploying software that helps companies effectively manage and analyze customer interactions throughout their entire lifecycle. This process starts with selecting a CRM system that best fits the company’s needs, continues with customizing it, integrating it with existing databases and systems, and concludes with training employees on how to use the system effectively.

What digitalization and process automation will bring you

Enhanced efficiency and productivity

Digital tools and automation can significantly increase the efficiency of processes and workflows, leading to greater productivity and improved company performance.

Lower costs

Automation can reduce the need for manual labor and thus lower labor costs. Digital solutions can also minimize the need for physical equipment and paper documentation, saving additional costs.

Faster decision-making

Digital data is immediately accessible and processable, allowing managers to make faster and more accurate decisions based on up-to-date information.

Improved customer experience

Digitalization allows companies to better understand their customers' needs and preferences. Personalized content and services can lead to an improved customer experience and increased customer loyalty.

Better competitiveness

Companies that invest in digital technologies and automation are often able to respond more quickly to market changes and are more competitive compared to those lagging in digital transformation.


Digital tools and automation enable companies to experiment with new ideas and innovations without being constrained by traditional, often slow processes.

What technologies do we use?

Digitalization of business processes

from 7 990 Kč
  1. Analysis of the Current State
  2. Selection of the Right Technologies:
    Google Workspace, Microsoft 365, Fakturoid, Digitoo, Odoo, Signi, etc.
  3. Comprehensive Implementation
  4. Pilot Projects and Testing
  5. Employee Training
  6. Monitoring and Optimization
  7. Updates
Free consultation

Automation of business processes

from 8 990 Kč
  1. Analysis of the Current State
  2. Selection of the Right Technologies:
    Make, IFTTT, Zapier, Odoo
  3. Comprehensive Implementation
  4. Pilot Projects and Testing
  5. Employee Training
  6. Monitoring and Optimization
  7. Updates
Free consultation

Implementation of CRM systems

from 9 990 Kč
  1. Analysis of the Current State
  2. Selection of the Right Technologies:
    PipeDrive, Tabidoo, AirTable, SalesForce
  3. Comprehensive Implementation
  4. Pilot Projects and Testing
  5. Employee Training
  6. Monitoring and Optimization
  7. Updates
Free consultation
Based on 30 Reviews

Perfektní tvorba webových stránek, veškeré nastavení a zpracování s rychlým a profesionálním přístupem. Úžasná komunikace. Mohu vřele doporučit. Děkuji všem z WebOptim, bez vás bych se v tom babrala ještě příští rok :) S pozdravem

Yogatree 4. 6. 2024

Skvělá komunikace, kvalitně odvedená práce. Peckovní přístup

Tom Dedek 12. 4. 2024

Super zkusenost! Rychlost , spolehlivost dodelavky na miru

Lukáš Cína 21. 12. 2023

Super prístup!

Matej Mikula 21. 11. 2023

K firme som sa dostal na základe dobrých referencií, chceli sme prerobiť web stránky. Na začiatku nám spravili veľmi podrobnú analýzu, navrhli riešenie problémov a celkové zlepšenie stránky. Mal som pochybnosti o výsledku lebo sa mi zdala nízka cena v porovnaní s konkurenciou ale s výsledkom som nadmieru spokojný. Perfektný ľudia, skvelá komunikácia, profesionálny prístup a dlhodobá spolupráca. Môžem len odporúčať.

Jan Krajc 15. 11. 2023

Oceňujem odborný prístup Pána Gáborika :))

Ďakujem najviac celému teamu. Úžasná rýchla spolupráca, Peter bol vždy nápomocný a všetci spolu urobili super job. Ďakujem ešte raz za super webstránku a profesionálny prístup. Odporúčam 10/10!!!

Sme veľmi spokojné so spoluprácou. Ďakujeme za rýchly a profesionálny prístup. Aj za trpezlivosť so ženskou nerozhodnosťou :) Vrelo doporučujeme. Anatte :)

Ďakujeme za krásny eshop a profesionálny prístup.

Tamás Bors 12. 4. 2023

Komplexne spracovaná analýza kľúčových slov a pekne spracovaná interpretácia dát👌🏻sme spokojní, odporúčame tiež

Emma Cinová 9. 4. 2023

Skvělý přístup, rychlá domluva a vypracování zakázky přesně podle požadavků.

Karl Eger 28. 3. 2023

Naprostá spokojenost s novými webovými stránkami. Komunikace v průběhu přípravy a výroby stránek na jedničku.Velmi ochotní a proklientsky orentovaní. Těšíme se na pokračující spolupráci a víme, že jsme neudělali chybu. Rovněž oceňujeme rychlost s jakou všechno probíhá.

Velice nadštandardní přístup k požadavkům zákazníka.

Kvalita, doporučuju. 👍

Tomáš Hána 12. 3. 2023

Maximálna spokojnosť! Môžem len odporúčať. Skvelý prístup, profesionalita a super komunikácia.

Komunikácia s firmou je rýchla a profesionálna od prvej správy. Odvádzajú dobrú prácu preto sa na nich opakovane obraciam. Výsledok je zakaždym vynikajúci. Široké zastrešenie web služieb

Damián 2. 3. 2023

Profesionální přístup, rychlé jednání, skvělá cena. Doporučuji!!

Nechali sme si vytvorit eshop na mieru, a predcilo to nase ocakavania! Eshop intuitivny, grafika presne ako sme si predstavovali a pomohli nam aj z implementovanim dalsich automatizacii, ako fullfilment, fakturacne a notifikacne systemy. Urcite mozeme doporucit!

De Xone 24. 2. 2023

Very willing to deal with and great cooperation, I highly recommend

John McClain 23. 2. 2023

Skvělá komunikace, vstřícnost a velká profesionalita. Vše vytvořeno přesně podle požadavků. Mohu jen doporučit.

Jakub Šimek 22. 2. 2023

Are you ready to discuss how high-quality digitalization and automation of business processes can further advance your business?

+420 776 292 799

FAQ: Otázky a odpovede

Digitalization is the process of converting information from an analog to a digital format. This includes scanning documents, converting texts, images, audio, and video into digital files, and implementing digital technologies to improve business processes
Automation is the process where manual tasks are replaced with automatic processes using technologies such as software, robots, or artificial intelligence. The goal is to increase efficiency, accuracy, and productivity.
The main benefits of digitalization include increased efficiency, improved access to information, reduced costs for data storage and management, and enhanced customer experience through quick access to relevant information.
Examples include automation of accounting, invoice processing, marketing campaigns (e.g., email marketing), customer support using chatbots, and inventory management with robots.
Risks include cybersecurity threats, job loss due to automation, high initial costs for implementation, and potential issues with integrating new systems into existing infrastructure.
Digitalization enables small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to enhance their competitiveness by providing access to advanced technologies, improving efficiency, and allowing better customer service. However, they may face challenges related to implementation costs and the need for employee training.
Digital transformation is a comprehensive process that involves integrating digital technologies into all areas of business. It changes the way organizations operate and deliver value to customers, often aiming to improve performance and innovation.
Start by identifying repetitive manual processes that could be automated. Then, choose the appropriate tools and technologies, evaluate the costs and benefits, and gradually implement solutions with a focus on employee training and monitoring results.
RPA is a technology that enables the automation of repetitive and routine tasks using software robots. These robots can perform tasks such as data entry, transaction processing, and responding to emails, which reduces errors and increases efficiency.
Best practices include setting clear objectives, engaging all stakeholders, implementing gradually, continuously monitoring and optimizing processes, and ensuring the scalability of solutions. Emphasis on employee training and cybersecurity is also crucial. These guidelines provide essential information to understand the key aspects of digitalization and automation in a business environment.


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Peter Gáborík

Peter Gáborík

Project Manager & Marketing Consultant

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Peter Gáborík
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